Sonja Kanno|Inner Forest Sanctuary | ~ October 17, 2020 *the show has ended

Innenwaldはドイツ語のInnenwelt (内なる世界)とWald (森林)の組み合わせです。
ソーニャ カンノ
1 ポップアップスタジオ:アーティストがギャラリー内で作品を制作し、同時に訪問者と対面する
2 ショップ:アーティストが作った陶器、絵画、アロマオイルを購入することができる
3 絵画によるインスタレーション:訪問者はリラックスして、「内なる森風呂」を楽しむことができる
内なる森の入浴体験には、アーティストが内なる森の雰囲気を反映するために制作したWaldluft(Forest Air)と呼ばれる3つのアロマオイルブレンドが伴います。 ギャラリーの提供するアロマオイルディフューザーによって訪問時にその香りを楽しむことができます。
Greetings from the Inner Forest
Innenwald is a combination of the German words Innenwelt (inner world) and Wald (forest).
In this exhibition, I want to connect more people with the idea of Innenwald by growing an Inner Forest in the gallery. In times of lockdown and global turmoil, exploring nature outdoors and achieving a state of inner peace has become challenging, if not impossible. Through art it is possible to achieve a form of visual and mental tranquility in these difficult times.
I have wondered, what happens when you grow an Inner Forest?
What does it look like, and what hidden things or creatures exist in it?
In this exhibition, I want explore the Inner Forest deeply.
Sonja Kanno
The project consists of 3 areas:
A Pop-Up Studio, where the artist is working inside the gallery creating artworks, while also meeting the visitors.
A Shop, where visitors can buy ceramics, paintings and aroma oil made by the artist.
An art Installation made of paintings, where visitors can relax and do some Inner Forest Bathing. The Inner Forest Bathing experience is accompanied by 3 aroma oil blends, called Waldluft (Forest Air), that the artist created to reflect the Inner Forest Atmosphere. The gallery is providing an aroma oil diffuser, so that visitors can enjoy the fragrance upon entering the gallery.
The Pop-Up Studio
The Pop-Up Studio is an area that consists of a working space to make art and a meeting space to meet the artist. In this area, I want to work at certain times to create paintings, drawing and writing of the Inner Forest.
On a pedestal or table, hand-made ceramic paint trays, palettes and tools are on display, together with other materials and artwork in progress. The finished works will be displayed on the wall behind the pedestal.
When I am not present, these objects, tools and materials are just on display and can be studied by the audience.
When I'm present, I will use these objects, tools and materials to create artwork.
In order to share this experience with collectors around the globe, this process can be documented through photos and videos.
The Shop
The Shop (previously bookshelf) is an area where gallery visitors can easily try and buy artwork. It contains small paintings and ceramics, that are displayed in a way that clearly shows their possibilities and functions.
Packaging is also displayed together with the artwork, so that the collector can purchase the artwork on the spot and take home immediately.
This easy shopping experience is meant to lower the buyer resistance when buying artwork. Buying art doesn't have to be complicated and scary.
An online shop represents the digital version of the shop, where collectors from around the globe can easily purchase the artwork.
The Showroom
The showroom is an area that is meant to give the collector an idea of what art can look like in their home. In this exhibition, the showroom consists of a collection of Innenwald Paintings, that are grouped together to represent a "growing Inner Forest".
The showroom works like an interior vignette in a furnishing house or interior magazine. It is meant to inspire the visitor of the gallery and can be shared online through photos and videos with collectors around the globe. In this case, it can also serve as a backdrop for promotional photos and videos.
Sonja Kanno

ソーニャ カンノは、1982年ドイツ生まれ、 2011年以降は東京在住で活動をしています。
彼女は自分の抽象絵画や、陶芸作品に描かれる永遠の環境の一時的な性格に魅了されています。 カンノは以前はパフォーマンス、インスタレーション、メディアアートなど、さまざまなメディアのアーティストとコラボレートしてきました。 オランダのHanze大学グローニンゲンから修士号を取得し、彼女は首席で卒業しました。 彼女の作品は、ギャラリー、アートフェア、公共スペースで展示されています。 さらに、カンノはイラストレーション、ジュエリーデザイン、ビジュアルマーチャンダイジングの専門的な背景を持っています。
「探検的な好奇心で、私は永久的な環境の性質を調べます。絵の媒体 - 無限の方法のレイヤーと透明シートを使うことができる - は、私がトランジションの状態を伝えて捉えるのに最適な手段です。 不透明な塗料の層で半透明の釉薬を交互に使用することによって、わかりにくい表面の相互作用を構築します。」
「絵画のプロセス自体は、私の無永続性の経験を反映しています。 それは、現在の観察、経験、感情の状態から生じる基本的なプロセスです。 レイヤーをレイヤーにすると、絵は抽象的なコンポジションに変換され、現在の一時的な性質の表現と見ることができます。」
Artist Website:
Sonja Kanno was born 1982 in Germany. Since 2011, she has been living in Tokyo, Japan.
Kanno is fascinated by the transitory character of impermanent environments, which she captures in her abstract paintings and - most recently - in ceramic objects. She has previously collaborated with artists in different media, such as performance, installation and interactive art. Kanno holds a Master’s Degree in Fine Art from Hanze University Groningen, The Netherlands, where she graduated cum laude. Her artwork has been exhibited at galleries, art fairs and in public spaces.
“With an exploratory curiosity, I investigate the nature of impermanent environments.”
“The medium of painting – the infinite ways layers and transparencies can be used – is the perfect means for me to convey and capture a state of transitoriness. By alternating translucent glazes with opaque layers of paint, I construct an interplay of elusive surfaces.”
“The painting process itself mirrors my experience of the nature of impermanence. It is an elementary process that arises from a state of present observations, experiences and feelings. Layer upon layer, the painting is transforming into an abstract composition, which can be seen as an expression of the transitory nature of the present moment - an inner landscape of fleeting thoughts, feelings and memories.”
“My ceramic objects, sculpted from malleable clay and fired into static permanence, are still able to convey the sense of transitoriness through the colors and texture of their surface. Daily objects such as tea bowls and vases express the sense of permanence, while the colors and texture of the ceramic surface reflect impressions of the changing natural environment and of the changing nature of self.”
Artist Website: